Every second startup uses ChatGPT & Co.  


  • 53 percent already use AI applications for text generation 
  • Only 9 percent do not want to use generative AI in the future either

Berlin, 03 July 2023 - Composing an email response to a customer enquiry, summarising a long technical article or as a tool for brainstorming in a team meeting - generative AI for text generation such as ChatGPT is already used in more than half of German startups (53 percent). Another 11 percent do not yet use such tools, but have already planned to do so, and 21 percent can imagine doing so in the future. These are the results of a survey of 203 tech startups commissioned by the digital association Bitkom. "Startups are pioneers in the use of new technologies. Such rapid and widespread use of generative AI by founders should be a signal to the entire economy: All companies - including small craft businesses and the self-employed - should examine where artificial intelligence can be used sensibly," says Niklas Veltkamp, member of the Bitkom Executive Board. "We should also make every effort not only to use AI, but also to develop it. Startups are important innovators and first movers in this."

Only one in eleven startups (9 percent) does not use generative text AI and also rules this out for the future, 6 percent cannot or do not want to give any information on this. In addition, 9 out of 10 founders (86 percent) say they can explain well what ChatGPT is. 13 percent know roughly what it is about.
